Connection with MySQL
What You'll Need
Backbench account - Sign Up, the personal account will always remain free to use.
MySQL credentials - host, user and password.
Prerequisites for the app
Basic knowledge of MySQL.
Knowledge of NodeJs.
MySQL credentials.
Select +, in the upper right corner to create a Module. For example, say "package.json" and select CREATE or hit Enter.
Copy and paste the code module from below.
A package.json file lists the packages that your project depends on. allows you to specify the versions of a package that your project can use using semantic versioning rules.
Creating a database
Now create another module to establish connection with MySQL.
Select save.
Replace the name of your host , dbuser and password in the place of <host>, <dbuser> and <dbpassword> respectively.
Now go to endpoints in backbench console.
Click on + button.
This will add an endpoint to the above module, let’s say “/sqldbcreate”.
Go to the link
You just created a database.
Creating a table
Now create another module to create a table in above MySQL database.
Select save.
Replace the name of your host , dbuser and password in the place of <host>, <dbuser> and <dbpassword> respectively.
Now go to endpoints in backbench console.
Click on + button.
This will add an endpoint to the above module, let’s say “/sqltablecreate”.
Go to the link
You just created a table.
Inserting data in a table
Now create another module to insert data into a table in above MySQL database.
Select save.
Replace the name of your host , dbuser and password in the place of <host>, <dbuser> and <dbpassword> respectively.
Now go to endpoints in backbench console.
Click on + button.
This will add an endpoint to the above module, let’s say “/sqlinsertdata”.
Go to the link
You just inserted values into a table.
Updating data in a table
Now create another module to update data into a table in above MySQL database.
Select save.
Replace the name of your host , dbuser and password in the place of <host>, <dbuser> and <dbpassword> respectively.
Now go to endpoints in backbench console.
Click on + button.
This will add an endpoint to the above module, let’s say “/sqlupdatedata”.
Go to the link
You just updated values into a table.
Deleting data in a table
Now create another module to delete data into a table in above MySQL database.
Select save.
Replace the name of your host , dbuser and password in the place of <host>, <dbuser> and <dbpassword> respectively.
Now go to endpoints in backbench console.
Click on + button.
This will add an endpoint to the above module, let’s say “/sqldeletedata”.
Go to the link
You just deleted values into a table.
Last updated