Integration with AWS S3
What You'll Need
Backbench account - Sign Up, the personal account will always remain free to use.
Amazon Web Services account - Sign Up, create an account, create an IAM user on IAM panel, generate AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
Prerequisites for the app
Set the above generated keys along with AWS_DEFAULT_REGION with their values as an evironment variable.
Operation 1: Listing all files along with metadata in a storage bucket of AWS S3.
Select +, in the upper right corner to create a Module. For example, say "Listing_objects.js" and select CREATE or hit Enter.
Copy and paste the code module from below.
Replace BUCKET NAME and BUCKET KEY in the code.
Select save.
Operation 2: Uploading file in a storage bucket.
Select +, in the upper right corner to create a Module. For example, say "Uploading_object.js" and select CREATE or hit Enter.
Copy and paste the code module from below.
Replace BUCKET NAME and BUCKET KEY in the code.
Select save.
Operation 3: Deleting a file in a storage bucket.
Select +, in the upper right corner to create a Module. For example, say "deleting_object.js" and select CREATE or hit Enter.
Copy and paste the code module from below.
Replace BUCKET NAME and BUCKET KEY in the code.
Select save.
Last updated